Little Busy, Little #100DOC Break
The CSS was not the only thing that updating the header of my personal site disturbed. I’ve made some changes to the JS on
Updating my header definitely changed things a bit visually. Now is restored visually and the CSS is DRY-er.
I started with semantic HTML when I originally built In researching a little more for these updates, however, I learned some ways that I could make adjustments to the nesting within the hierarchy of my site. I also added… Continue Reading →
As I watched one web development video today, I decided that it was more than time to make some updates to my own personal site, The video talked about some ways to make your CSS DRY-er. I ultimately do… Continue Reading →
I had the opportunity to spend a few days learning and working in Paper.js. Paper.js is a vector graphics scripting framework. You can draw and animate screen drawn shapes with it. I started with a tutorial that makes sounds and… Continue Reading →
Yeah… it’s small and it’s weird. Day 62
I am starting a few days of jQuery projects with a couple to-do lists (Days 58 and 61). One list uses text, and the other uses pictures. My #100DOC home page will tell you a little more about what happened… Continue Reading →
I am taking a mock-up to final prototype. See how I am working this one out: 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, 4 of 5… Here is the final prototype.
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