Category Uncategorized

Happy New Year

In so many ways I see a new year as a fresh coat of paint, so here’s to my fresh coat of paint. I am taking my learning off-blog for the next few months. I continue to take a deeper… Continue Reading →

Final Sprint to the Finish Line

It is the day before our final presentation for our Capstone project in my program. I am calm. We are ready. I really enjoy the process of working from start to finish on a project like this, and overall it… Continue Reading →

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 49

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 48

#100DaysOfCode | Day 47

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 47. Yes folks, I answered my first Stack Overflow question today. I hope my response was helpful, and I hope someone after me went into more depth. There are always mountains beyond mountains. While sometimes it seems… Continue Reading →

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