Category CSS

CSS Animation Dabble

I do I do I do have a fleeting interest in web animation. CSS has some basic possibilities that I explore with circles and a flower.

#100DaysOfCode | Days 75-80

Updating my header definitely changed things a bit visually. Now is restored visually and the CSS is DRY-er.

#100DaysOfCode | Days 69 & 70

As I watched one web development video today, I decided that it was more than time to make some updates to my own personal site, The video talked about some ways to make your CSS DRY-er. I ultimately do… Continue Reading →

#100DaysOfCode | Days 50-56

I am taking a mock-up to final prototype. See how I am working this one out: 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, 4 of 5… Here is the final prototype.

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day46

#100DaysOfCode ~ Days 18-23

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 12

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 10

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 9

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 4

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