Category Bootstrap

#100DaysOfCode | Days 50-56

I am taking a mock-up to final prototype. See how I am working this one out: 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, 4 of 5… Here is the final prototype.

Time to Take a Bootstrap Break

I thought that I was 98.9999% comfortable with CSS until I started playing around with this framework. Diving into CSS written by someone else, however, has given me a new appreciation for displaying screen elements. Sometimes it takes a little… Continue Reading →

Bootstrap Does a Jig

Bootstrap reminds me of the Kreg pocket hole jig. A couple years ago my father, who is skilled at woodworking, told me, “It will make right angles go faster in a way that you can’t imagine.” Yup, it did. And… Continue Reading →

Bootstrap Take 2

This is a more involved photo gallery than the original. It may look ready to roll, but adding interactivity was not the point of this exercise.

Hello Bootstrap?

I am taking a first step into this CSS framework with a basic photo gallery.

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