Category Code

Passed my exam. Now I am an IAAP – Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competency (CPACC)

CSS Animation Dabble

I do I do I do have a fleeting interest in web animation. CSS has some basic possibilities that I explore with circles and a flower.

Back-to-School Counter

How many days until you or yours go back? Find out at:

Python Animation

I love this little walking girl. It is one of the later projects in my Python class this semester.

Spring Semester 2020, Update

Sometimes it seems like if you’ve seen one introductory course, you’ve seen them all. Let’s call this a back-to-back challenge. See how I do a document’s word count in Python and Java. Then, see how I do a dictionary/database search… Continue Reading →

Spring Semester 2020

What the #100DaysOfCode challenge reminded me of was how much I enjoy learning and challenging myself code-wise. While there are a few things I want to try out and also to finish, the spring semester starts in a few days…. Continue Reading →

Little Busy, Little #100DOC Break

#100DaysOfCode | Day 81

The CSS was not the only thing that updating the header of my personal site disturbed. I’ve made some changes to the JS on

#100DaysOfCode | Days 75-80

Updating my header definitely changed things a bit visually. Now is restored visually and the CSS is DRY-er.

#100DaysOfCode | Days 71-74

I started with semantic HTML when I originally built In researching a little more for these updates, however, I learned some ways that I could make adjustments to the nesting within the hierarchy of my site. I also added… Continue Reading →

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