Month September 2019

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 48

#100DaysOfCode | Day 47

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 47. Yes folks, I answered my first Stack Overflow question today. I hope my response was helpful, and I hope someone after me went into more depth. There are always mountains beyond mountains. While sometimes it seems… Continue Reading →

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day46

#100DaysOfCode | Day 45 aka update.

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 45. I’ve made a few updates to my personal site, I am almost half-way through my #100DaysOfCode and at an intuitive breaking point. I think I’ll take a week holiday from my #100DaysOfCode.

#100DaysOfCode | Day 44

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 38, a rough sandpaper draft of my game.

#100DaysOfCode | Day 32

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 32 – ? I’ve coded a whack-a-mole game. This will not be my last game of this sort. Over the next few days I plan to take this game a make it into something new. It will… Continue Reading →

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 31

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 30

#100DaysOfCode ~ Day 29

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